What is Feminism? We have tried to define this mysterious modern women’s affliction almost since the day the first woman came forward with her observation…

Last fall, I had the benefit of watching one of my oldest friends get married. The wedding was beautiful, fun and everything one might hope…

Instead of doing my taxes, today was spent watching “Girl Model,” a pretty depressing documentary about the trans-Siberian model railway, a chain of beauty stretching…

In October, I wrote an article about Amanda Todd, a Canadian teen who was so severely cyber-bullied that she committed suicide. Now, in a strange turn…

Welcome to America, where most of us are fat and we hate fat people. Many of us live our lives in fear of being fat…

In light of recent shootings in Newtown Connecticut perpetrated by 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who killed 20 children and seven women (including his own mother), blogger…

O Muses, O high genius, aid me now! O memory that engraved the things I saw, Here shall your worth be manifest to all! Dante…