In Praise of TLC and Fake Pretty’s YouTube Channel

In Praise of TLC and Fake Pretty’s YouTube Channel

We spent an entire night watching videos on YouTube and came to the consensus that TLC was the most Fake Pretty channel on television.

From “Toddlers and Tiaras” (the child beauty pageant show that spawned “Here comes Honey Boo-Boo”) to “My Strange Addiction” (a show that focuses on anything from a man who is in love with his prosthetic girlfriend to a woman who is addicted to makeup), this channel has got you covered in crazy.

To broaden your horizons, you might want to check out other TLC gems such as: “I Didn’t Know I was Pregnant” and “Strange Sex,” or the non-TLC documentary: “Married to the Eiffel Tower.” Good times. Steel love.

We have created a helpful YouTube Channel with some suggested watching for hours of fun. Below is a gem from our historical collection. It really hits all the marks.
