June 18, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
Bluestockings Bookstore, Café, & Activist Center
172 Allen Street
New York, NY, 10002
United States

Join Riot Grrrl Collection archivist and editor Lisa Darms, and contributors Johanna Fateman, Ramdasha Bikceem, and Molly Neuman to discuss zine making, collecting, and the riot grrrl legacy.

Before Tumblr and Twitter, before desktop publishing, punk girls fueled the revolution with scissors and glue and photocopiers. Girls gathered in rooms across the country to bond over music, to refuse to be labeled, to be angry and lustful and smart. Self-published zines, posters, and handmade flyers articulated the aesthetic and politics of the exciting movement of the 90s. They are art objects, manifestos, love letters—stunning pre-digital and handmade delcarations grounded in feminism, and inspired by music.
Lisa Darms, an archivist at the Fales Library at New York University and former riot grrrl, decided to build a collection to preserve this moment in history. With donations from Kathleen Hanna, Johanna Fateman, Tammy Rae Carland, Darms began the collection which now includes a wealth of material donated from riot grrrls all over the country.
Reproduced in beautiful full-color pages, THE RIOT GRRRL COLLECTION offers readers access to these artifacts of love and rage previously found only in file cabinets in Olympia, Washington and in shoeboxes under Brooklyn beds. Legendary zines like Girl Germs 3, Johanna Fateman’s Artaud-Mania, and Kathleen Hanna’s My life with Evan Dando: Popstar are reprinted in full, in addition to flyers, lyrics, correspondence, and an original essay by zinester and musician Johanna Fateman.
Available now for pre-order at

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